DevAcademy, două exerciții pentru oamenii care vor să învețe programare

devacademyPentru ascultătorii și cititorii noștri, Lucian Ghindă și Flavia Stoian, prietenii de la DevAcademy care ne-au vizitat în studioul Sound of Science, pun la dispoziție două probleme pentru cei care vor să învețe programare cu ei. Sunt două exerciții în limba engleză cu care se confruntă potențialii elevi ai DevAcademy, în primele faze de selecție.

Dacă doriți să aflați mai mult despre programele de învățare gratuite oferite de invitații noștri, accesați cu încredere site-ul DevAcademy și ascultați podcastul ediției speciale care i-a avut ca invitați pe Flavia Stoian și Lucian Ghindă.

Probleme pentru accesarea cursurilor Product Management Track & iOS/Ruby on Rails Tracks

Timp de rezolvare: 48 de ore.


Product Management Track – Step 2 Problem – 48 hours to send the solution.

Product Compare: vs
Compare the following two websites and taking care to tackle the features mentioned below:
1. What’s the experience of getting started or signing up?
2. How does the website explain itself in the first interaction?
3. How easy to use was the website?
4. How did you feel while using the website?

iOS/Ruby on Rails Tracks – Step 2 Problem – 48 hours to send the solution.

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The Book
A book has many chapters, each chapter has a title and multiple subchapters.
Every subchapter has a title and a list of paragraphs.
Every paragraph can have a number and a text.

Implement in OOP the following functionalities:

1. Add/Remove: chapters, subchapters and paragraphs taking into consideration the relations between all these entities.

2. Print/Display methods:
– print_book – will output the book in order including chapters, subchapters and paragraphs
– print_chapter( chapter_name ) – will output the chapter contents: subchapters and paragraphs
– print_table_of_contents – will output table of contents hierarchically: title of chapters and title of subchapters

Here is an example of book structure:
Little Mermaid
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Subchapter 1.1: The Ocean
Paragraph 1.1.1: Far out in the ocean …
Paragraph 1.1.2: We must not imagine that there …
Subchapter 1.2: The Youngest Sister
Paragraph 1.2.1: The Sea King had been a widower for many years …

Chapter 2: My Turn To Meet The Humans
Subchapter 2.1: Fifteen
Paragraph 2.1.1: At last she reached her fifteenth year.

Ella Moroiu